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    NCC - DRY DAY Campaign

    • 23 May 2021

    follow the below link :-javascript:nicTemp(); Read More

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      Cartoon Competition

      • 23 May 2021

      Instructions:* Paper size A4* Entries are accepted in pdf format only* Digital cartoons are not expected* Participants should share their name and department details Read More

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        Happy Nurses Day

        • 15 May 2021

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          Homestead Biodiversity Photo Inventory Competition

          • 15 May 2021

          This competition aims to assess the status of ecological diversity. It also makes each of the participant to understand the importance of homestead biodiversity conservation Read More

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            " VIRUS STOPS HERE "

            • 15 May 2021

            An awareness video was prepared by the Health Club members in association with Department of Zoology- 'VIRUS STOPS HERE', which picturized the wrong ways in wearing mask by us during Covid - 19 pandemic. It also advocated how we should wear a mask Read More

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              Mothers Day

              • 09 May 2021

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                World Hand Hygiene Day 2021

                • 06 May 2021

                World Hand Hygiene Day 2021      'Seconds save lives - clean your hands!       As a part of SAVE LIVES: Clean your Hands global campaign launched in 2009 and celebrated annually on 5 May. An awareness video was Read More

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