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    Motivational and Career Guidance - by NSS

    • 24 Feb 2021

    UNIT NO:117 &  37

    NSS of our college has conducted a seminar on the topic "Motivational and Career Guidance" class for 10th and +2 students of P K Higher Secondary School Mannapra on 22nd February monday at 11 am till 12.30 noon.The session was conducted by Dr(prof). Regunath Parakkal [consultant -counselling (psychology)]. The seminar was conducted for the students of P K Higher Secondary School to help them in implementing and leading toward a future course of action and assist them in making informed educational and occupational choices. The program was started with a welcome speech by Dr. S. Dhiva ( NSS Program Officer), followed by Presidential address by Jiju (NSS Program Officer). Inauguration and Inaugural address was presented by Sudhanya (Principal of P K HSS ). Felicitation speech was done by Vimala (HM of P K HSS), followed by addressing the guest of the day by Abhinaya (NSS Volunteer ). Then the class was taken by Dr. Regunath Parakkal. Vote of thanks was addressed by Midhula (NSS Volunteer). The session was highly successful with the maximum participation of all HS and HSS students of P K Higher Secondary School Mannapra.