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    International Women's Day

    • 11 Mar 2021

    As part of Gender Sensitization program,  conducted by Women Cell, Titto Varughese, Asst. Professor of Chemistry, Christ College Thrissur, talked in the Session 3 of the webinar series on the topic, " Gender: East/ West Encounters" on gmeet on March 5,2021.

    Women Cell & PG Department of English celebrated International Women's Day  in the college auditorium on March 8, 2021.
    Principal Dr. R. Bindu, inaugurated the program.

    - A talk on Health & Fitness of Women was delivered by Rajesh K.R. (Asst. Professor of Physical Education).

    -Three girls of the college performed Taekwondo, a martial art based in Thailand.

    -There were poem recitations, story telling s, paper presentations, skit, mono act and other programs  students performed by the girls of the college.

    - An Open Forum was held in the auditorium in the afternoon session on the topic, "Does She Have a Space of Her Own? "